In order to ensure the quality of production of ventilation ducts, it is necessary to formulate the standards for the production of ductwork in order to improve the professionalism and efficiency of the square duct machine. The main requirements of the square
duct machine manufacturers for duct production and production are reflected in the three points of marking, shearing, and blanking. The following is a detailed description of these three requirements. The marking requirements are embodied in the two basic lines and the scribing method.
The basic hazards are right-angled lines, parallel lines, vertical bisectors, and more complex angle bisectors, straight-line equal divisions, and round equal divisions. There are three ways to expand: parallel line method, radiation method and triangle line method. When cutting, the hand is not allowed to fit into the gap of the mechanical platen. The foot cannot be placed on the pedal when adjusting the plate material. The upper blade holder cannot place any items. Use a fixed vibrator to apply force and uniformity. Re-checking is a task that must be performed when the sheet is cut. To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to use mechanical scissors and hand-cutting scissors to cut according to the shape of the score.